Our Services


Message Mission School owes its existence from the grace of God. God has opened doors to reach into deprived communities with a Christ-centered educational ministry. God has also favored people who have a passion for the institution’s mission—empowering a diverse community, united by Christ, to achieve excellence in education for the flourishing of all creation. MMS began with 43 students in September 6, 2021. Message Mission School started with a preschool, primary and junior secondary school to help parents begin their children’s education in a Christian day school. Government recognition and approval has been completed from the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education. The school began with 7 staff members.


Welcome to Message Mission School! Message Mission School is an educational ministry of God’s perspective. In its widest application, MMS, ministry perspective denotes service which we renders through educational ministry in the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ. While the concept embraces all service rendered in behalf of God, our educational ministry in Christ often identifies our action performed by qualified individuals/staff who are properly appointed to their tasks. Here at Message Mission School, our Ministerial form is purely educational, because ministry can be performed in a variety of settings to meet an assortment of objectives. Here at MMS, our perspective of Ministry is rooted in God’s own service to humanity. Its scope is limited only by the love of God which we have. The execution of ministry sometimes calls for special human talents, but most aspects are simple and require only will and motivation which we have given to countless communities through educational ministry for the sake of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Since establishment in 2021, Message Mission School has been dedicated to educating and challenging young people for the Christian life and service. We are parent-governed by an elected Board of Directors, and receive substantial support from God’s chosen men and women.


Empowering a diverse community, united by Christ, to achieve excellence in education for the flourishing of all creation. Believing that all children are created for God’s glory and endowed by Him with an inalienable potential to acquire wisdom and knowledge


Our pre-school provides facilities for children of ages 14 months to 3 years in our Nursery. The nursery is divided into two main groups. Junior and Senior Babies. Children in Nursery are introduced to the pre-education program to develop the sensitive periods of development. Children in our preschool group are aged 3 to 4 years and 4 to 5 years in the Kindergarten group. In our primary school section of Key Stage 1 and 2 the age group of the learners are 6 to 12 years with classes ranging from primary 1 to primary 6. In our Secondary Section which comprises of Key stage 1-3 and 3-6 the learners are aged 11-16 years old.



Reading/Writing English Language Our goal is to provide the best English language reading and writing resources that will improve the next generation’s classroom learning.


The science/math curriculum aims to help children develop basic scientific ideas and understanding about the biological and physical aspects of the world, and the processes through which they develop this knowledge and understanding. Children create new knowledge and learn about scientific concepts.



The Arts curriculum encompasses a range of activities in the visual arts, in music, in drama, in dance, and in literature. The art education curriculum provides for a balance between expression and the child’s need to experience and respond to the visual arts, to music, and to drama.