Our pre-school provides facilities for children of ages 14 months to 3 years in our Nursery. The nursery is divided into two main groups. Junior and Senior Babies. Children in Nursery are introduced to the pre-education program to develop the sensitive periods of development. Children in our preschool group are aged 3 to 4 years and 4 to 5 years in the Kindergarten group. In our primary school section of Key Stage 1 and 2 the age group of the learners are 6 to 12 years with classes ranging from primary 1 to primary 6. In our Secondary Section which comprises of Key stage 1-3 and 3-6 the learners are aged 11-16 years old.
Our school family is built on a healthy family model – the goal of which is the optimal development of all members. The School Family builds connections between families and schools, teachers and teachers, teachers and students, and students and students to ensure the optimal development of all. The School Family creates a fundamental shift in education and classroom management. Leave coercion, fear and external rewards behind, and step into a world where intrinsic motivation, helpfulness, problem-solving and connection govern our classroom.
Through Message Mission School, our community is simply sharing a common life in Christ. It moves us beyond the self-interested isolation of private lives and beyond the superficial social contacts that pass for “Christian fellowship.” From an MMS perspective, the biblical ideal of community challenges us instead to commit ourselves to life together as the people of God.
Reading/Writing English Language Our goal is to provide the best English language reading and writing resources that will improve the next generation’s classroom learning.
The science/math curriculum aims to help children develop basic scientific ideas and understanding about the biological and physical aspects of the world, and the processes through which they develop this knowledge and understanding. Children create new knowledge and learn about scientific concepts.
The Arts curriculum encompasses a range of activities in the visual arts, in music, in drama, in dance, and in literature. The art education curriculum provides for a balance between expression and the child’s need to experience and respond to the visual arts, to music, and to drama.
Dr. Charles Yambasu Mungu.
Message mission school help educate children about life, the world,
and their purpose in it. We seek to teach our children about the
world God created, how our faith is woven into each area of
learning, and how to find purpose and meaning through God’s will
for our lives.
We teach our children to know that they are the image bearer of
God and that they stands in relation to God, self, others, and creation, so that they may be prepared for meaningful participation
in society.
Mon – Fri: 8am – 4pm
Sat 9 am-12 pm.
We provide wholesome learning opportunities so that the children can recognize and develop their God giving talents, learn to apply these talents, and extend their interest. We seek to lead our children towards willing obedience to God and the authority of His word and therefore, encourage a concern and respect for government and others, a desire to give themselves, honesty, integrity, and helping themselves find joy and peace of a Christian commitment...
The Religion Curriculum involves four strands. These strands are interrelated and taught with an integrated approach appropriate to the learning contexts of the class. Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life.